
If you have been looking for a new, fresh Vampire series your wait is over. Author Rhys Rowlyn’s – Shadowed Craving is the seventh installment to the thrilling new paranormal series, Daughters of the Vieux Carré. Join this family of vampires as they awaken to a new world and changes they never expected.
Click the link below and enjoy.
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095427927
Universal Link – https://books2read.com/u/38QlwZ
Her life changed forever, and it’s about to again.
Rebecca was always a good girl, never breaking the rules or taunting her wild side. Her friends, however, had talked her into a trip to the Big Easy, and by weekend’s end, she was a vampire and never saw them again. Her life now is rife with challenges as she searches for answers, motivated to find the meaning behind her creator’s need to save her.
Sasha wakes three hundred years after he last hit the sack, but a new era isn’t his only surprise. He has a mate. Now he must not only figure out how the world works but pave a road leading to her heart.
Danger lurks, inadvertently tearing the two apart while they get to know one another. Sasha’s life is in jeopardy, but Rebecca might have the skills to find a cure, something she did in her human life. Can she save him in time for them to have a future, or is his return destined to be short-lived?
Wanting to catch up on the series?